Sunday, April 10, 2022

The face of the woman you love


The face of the woman you love

What happened to your hair, a neighbour asked the other day.

Well, those are greys, I explained patiently.

Surely she has seen greys before?

Maybe I should explain about the wrinkles too, just in case she is wondering?

Slowly, I climbed the stairs.

(I can still climb stairs, without getting too breathless, which must be a good sign.)

I opened the door and stared at the big mirror in the hallway.

I was worried, I will not lie.

My reflection looked back at me.

I turned on all the lights just to be sure.

Right there, in the mirror, I saw the face of the woman you love.

I took off my shoes and washed my hands,

then made two strong cups of coffee.

I arranged some fruit on a platter.

Just like any other day, I went onto the balcony to wait for you,

so that we could have our coffee together.

I wondered what crazy and funny stories you would tell me about your day.

I turned my face to the sun and breathed in deeply

and waited for the sound of your key in the lock.

GloPoWriMo Day 10 - a love poem

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