Monday, April 11, 2022

Like Giant Hogweed


                             Image by Bill Kasman from Pixabay 

Like Giant Hogweed


From a cloud

high above

my data watch over me.

Images of


broken bathroom sockets,

dark alleys and parcels,

pricelists, phone numbers and cats,

towels and orange trees,

they never sleep.

My data

upload themselves


They know how important it is

to preserve everything

for posterity.

Long after I’m gone

this is how the world will remember me.

My data are getting more vigilant day by day.

Because nothing should be forgotten, nothing lost.

They grow and multiply.

They form connections.

My data create new data.

I hope they never leak.

Otherwise they could sink the world.

Life as we know it would be extinct

and my data would take over and spread

like giant hogweed.

GloPoWriMo Day 11 - a poem about a very large thing

Note: apparently, giant hogweed is invasive in North America. It also seems to be a rather unpleasant plant. 


  1. Hi Natasa. Visiting from NaPoWriMo. Such a unique take. Our digital footprints aren't little things.

  2. I'm afraid we're enslaved by our gadgets nowadays... This cracked me up: "My data create new data. / I hope they never leak."

    1. We are indeed enslaved. I am constantly deleting stuff, both on my phone and online, and yet new stuff keeps popping up. That's why I have a feeling that the data are multiplying on their own :))
