Monday, April 4, 2022

How to Write a Haiku


                         Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

How to Write a Haiku

1. Get up at the crack of dawn and write 750 words before your first morning coffee.

2. For easier handling, use paper, not a notebook.

3. Do not worry about the style or content of your writing.

4. Carefully cut the paper into slips, so that each slip is an individual word.

5. Throw the word confetti into the air.

6. Pick the word that lands closest to your right foot.

7. Wait until midnight, then plant the word in the garden.

8. The word is now a seed.

9. A tree will grow from the seed. It may take a while.

10. Now you must wait for the tree to bear fruit.

11. Whatever it is, you must cut it in half and eat it.

12. Preserve the pips. These will be the words of your poem. Learn them by heart.

13. Put the pips under your pillow as you go to sleep the next evening. You will dream.

14. The dream is your poem.

15. You will have forgotten most of it by the morning, so just write the first three lines from memory. 

16. If you don’t remember anything, repeat the exercise.

GloPoWriMo Day 4 - a poem in the form of a poetry prompt


  1. So now people shouldn't be amazed to see me in the garden at minight....
    Enjoyed this!
