Don't Look Inside
What Cherries are For
You can wear them as earrings.
You can use them to draw hearts on walls,
or you can throw them at passers-by.
Still, I advise you to eat them.
Whatever you do, don’t look inside.
You will never be able to unlearn this
According to Mark, Jesus cursed a fig tree because it was barren. The tree then wilted and died. Figs are flowers that bloom inwards. A flower needs pollination and this is what fig wasps are for. The female wasp crawls inside and lays her eggs. She loses her wings in the process and dies a lonely death. The young hatch and mate inside the flower. The male is born without wings. He will die inside the flower where he was born, but not before he burrows a way out for the female. The female will break free in order to lay her eggs and die inside another fig flower. You shouldn’t worry, though. The enzymes in the fig digest the wasps completely and it is the pollen that gives the flower its sweetness.
GloPoWriMo Day 24 - fruit
:o But... these are two of my favourites! Now I'll think of this every time I have one.