Monday, April 8, 2019

How to teach outside the box

How to teach outside the box 

Know this: that I believe in our learning focused lesson plans and our emerging communities.
Your child exhibits exceptional focus and diligence.
Be professional in dress, manner, and attitude.
 I want this concept map to be flexible.  It's important to apply it across the curriculum.
I love that your child does her best every single day.
Act professionally in public.
Think about synergy. It's highly relevant in the context of deep learning.
Your child’s persistence is exemplary.
Speak clearly and loudly enough to be heard.
 Together, we will visualize technology-enhanced opinions with synergistic effects.
With a little more effort, your child could move up to the advanced group.
Know where the fire exits are located.
It's time that we became uber-efficient with our constructivist common core.
Let’s work on motivating your child.
Be familiar with disaster procedures.
We need a more blue-sky approach to inquiry-centered action plans.
Your child may need additional assistance.
Keep manuals in one place.
 This approach will prioritize intuitive proficiencies within the new paradigm.
We will continue to work on your child's behavior at school.
Have daily lesson plans well prepared.
 It will unleash student-centered niches in authentic, real-world scenarios.
Let’s meet to discuss strategies to keep your child on track.
Encourage students to dream.
We will orchestrate emerging instruction within professional learning communities.

GloPoWriMo Day 8 - exploring the argot of a particular profession


  1. Really good job here, I like how you grounded all of those difficult jargons by making the focus of your poem on a child's learning. It reveals how ridiculous those words are, how meaningless, when it's applied to the classroom. Well done!

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, extremely ridiculous and meaningless. I have been a teacher for 30 years, so I am a little tired of listening to this jargon ;)

  2. Replies
    1. I found it extremely difficult too. I struggled with this one all day. Something was constantly missing. Then I started adding multiple resources and the poem somehow agreed to cooperate. But, yes, probably the most difficult challenge so far.

  3. Such simple yet very clever balance and contradiction - I can see me coming back to this one.
