Sunday, April 14, 2024







To get there, you need

to climb down some winding stairs and then some more. You are advised

to be careful. It can be damp and slippery. You will be happy

to see that the tunnels are lit. Still, it is a good idea

to take your own torch as well. In order

to reach the main chamber, you ought

to turn left, then right, then left again. After that, it is best

to follow one of those large tunnels and

to let it guide you. Then you will have

to climb down a lot of stairs. It is bound

to get darker at this point. You will do best

to stay calm.

To think what this was like for Medieval prisoners

to walk down those steps, never

to see daylight again! Have I scared you?

I didn’t mean

to. You don’t have

to go there. Not if you are afraid of

the dark

or narrow corridors

or bats.

NaPoWriMo Day 14 - anaphora

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