Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Day My Dog Performed a Miracle


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The Day My Dog Performed a Miracle

My dog jumped onto my aunt’s legs.

He knew she could do with some protection. 

She started laughing, then asked for dinner.

That was a miracle, my uncle claimed.

She hadn’t said a word for a week.

She hadn’t eaten or slept either.

He was afraid he’d lose her too.

The laughter continued in the days to come.

She cracked jokes, lying on that bed.

She mentioned the boy’s name once or twice.

She never cried or spoke about that day.

Afterwards, she kept Pekinese dogs.

One of them had performed a miracle on her, she said,

had kept her company during sleepless nights, 

his head on her chest, her hands around him,

his little heart beating 

under her palms.

GloPoWriMo Day 5 - a poem in which laughter comes at what might otherwise seem an inappropriate moment 


  1. Love the shape and flow of your poem.❤️

  2. Ahh. Dogs wreaking miracles all over again and again. They know. Beautiful, especially for her.

    1. Yes, they are miracle-makers. You know. And my aunt still keeps Pekinese dogs and so does her daughter.
