Saturday, April 7, 2018

When My Shift Ends

to stare at
Photo Credit: Francis =Photography= Flickr via Compfight cc

When My Shift Ends

Every day I do the Job.
My mother and uncle did it before me.
The Job is important, you make a difference.
I know that I am good at the Job.
Every day I dress for the part.
The costume is tight, the makeup is heavy.
Then there’s the mask, which is good,
considering how hard the Job can get.
At night, when my shift ends
and I come home,
I carefully remove it all.
The mask goes first, then the costume.
The makeup is stubborn, but there are ways.
Finally I stand, naked and faceless,
divested of colour, defrocked for the night,
myself again and so afraid.

GloPoWriMo Day 7 - what makes you feel powerful/vulnerable
Imaginary Garden with Real Toads prompt for Day 7 
Inspired by this picture


  1. I like this vignette of 2 identities and a very interesting end.

    1. Thank you. I struggled with the end a lot, glad you like it the way it is now.
